Miyerkules, Oktubre 5, 2011


I know I already have this on my profile but I'm gonna say it again. :)

I made this blog solely for my wit that was sheltered within my cranium. I could not discuss it with anybody within my proximity for they might misapprehend the tone of my voice, couldn’t get the gist of the act or just merely not the right heads to speak about the matter.

You know, I’m not really smart but at least I got a mind that is able to muse over the current issues; especially when it speaks about Philippine Governance and Politics. I consider the idea that there are people within the World Wide Web, a lot smarter, to converse with such matter. I’m hoping that there is somebody out there who will find me rational and interesting. No matter what, it pleased me to know that I can now express my views and opinions with or without reader or follower. :D

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